



  1. 联系客服申请退货。(通过邮件提供订单号,出现问题商品的照片,名称,数量等相关信息)
  2. WEWOKIT在收到退货申请的1-2个工作日会及时为您跟进处理(根据实际情况,安排商品的退款或补发)


  1. 为保证食品安全和新鲜,配送地址必须有人签收,收到商品后需要立即冷藏,并在5日内使用。如发生错发、漏发、包裹破损,例如 "胀袋"、因第三方产生的收货延迟等问题,请于收到发货通知的3天内联系客服,我们将及时为您处理。 胀袋需在2天内通知。货源充足的情况下,可要求补发,也可退款。 以下情况不予退换,敬请谅解: ■ 未及时签收 ■ 收货后未冷冻 ■ 未及时投诉 ■ 无有效证明
  2. 生鲜类商品(蔬菜水果、水产海鲜、肉禽蛋奶等)由于受季节、气候、生长环境等因素影响,不同批次略有差异属正常现象;
  3. 图片及信息仅供参照,商品将以实物为准。因拍摄灯光及不同显示器色差等问题可能造成商品图片与实物有一定色差,不属质量问题;
  4. 为保障您的权益,如果您要求签收,请在签收时立即核对商品的种类、数量、规格、赠品、金额、保质期等是否正确。如有问题请及时向配送人员或公司反馈,一旦签收,WEWOKIT将不受理此类退货、补货等要求;
  5. 因客户使用或保管不当导致出现质量问题、变质的商品,无法办理退换货;
  6. 商品签收后发现商品破损或腐坏,在签收后48小时内反馈,审核通过后可进行优先赔偿,商品无需返回。

Food, Beverage, Consumable Product Return Policy (WEWOKIT)

Category: Food, Beverages, Snacks, Dry Goods

Return Period:

Within 7 days of receipt of shipment.

Return Qualification:

Upon receiving your product, if the product is damaged, or have quality issue, you may request a return within the return period.

Return Instructions:

All returns must have an ORDER number. Please email our customer service team at info@wewokit.com to request an ORDER (Return Merchandize Authorization) number. Please be sure to provide us with your order number, picture of the product (If requested), quantity, and the reason for the return.

Once we’ve received your request, it may take up to 1-3 business days for us to review your ORDER. Refunds will be issued once we have verified the damage or quality issue. You do not have to return the item back to us.

Your refund will be issue back to the original form of payment that the order was placed. If you used WEWOKIT Gift Cards or redeemed WEWOKIT Reward Points, those balance will be refunded first then the original payment method. Please note that it may take your bank up to 3-5 business days to process your refund from the date that it was issued by WEWOKIT.


Fresh Produce, Processed Food, Frozen/Refrigerated Goods, and Perishable ProductsWEWOKIT

Category: Processed Goods, Fresh Produce, Perishable, Frozen, and Refrigerated Goods

Return Period:

Within 48 hours of receipt of shipment.

Return Qualification:

Upon receiving your product, if the product is damaged, or have a quality issue, you may request a return within the return period.

Return Instructions:

All returns must have an ORDER number. Please email our customer service team at info@wewokit.com to request an ORDER (Return Merchandise Authorization) number. Please be sure to provide us with your order number, a picture of the product (If requested), quantity, and the reason for the return.

Once we’ve received your request, it may take up to 1-3 business days for us to review your ORDER. Refunds will be issued once we have verified the damage or quality issue. You do not have to return the item back to us.

Your refund will be issued back to the original form of payment that the order was placed. If you used WEWOKIT Gift Cards or redeemed WEWOKIT Reward Points, those balance will be refunded first then the original payment method. Please note that it may take your bank up to 3-5 business days to process your refund from the date that it was issued by WEWOKIT.

Important Disclaimers:

To ensure you receive fresh products, we may use expedited shipping on certain products. Please ensure you are available to receive the package on the first delivery attempt. If you are unavailable and the delivery was unsuccessful, it may affect the quality of the product, and the item will not be eligible for return.

Fresh produce may appear different due to the season, weather, and region has grown in.

Pictures on our site are for reference only, actual item may appear differently.

Please make sure fresh produce, processed food, and perishable products are properly stored in freezer/refrigerator to ensure the freshness of your product. Spoiled products due to inappropriate storing are not eligible for return.